Casting Trigger for Long Distance Rock and Surf Casting Increase Your Distance
Delivery in 3 to 7 days on average from Balgowlah, NSW.
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Where Are You Located?
LandCaster Tackle is located in Balgowlah, New South Wales.
How Long Does Shipping Take?
Shipping takes between 3 and 7 days on average. Remote locations can take longer.
How Long Does Processing Take?
Your order is usually packed and sent out the following business day if made after noon. Early morning orders are often packed and sent out the same day. All orders are packed and sent out no later than two business days.
Does LandCaster Tackle Ship to Remote Locations and Collection Boxes?
Yes! You can get your LandCaster order delivered to remote locations, stations, and collection boxes. If Australian Post delivers mail to your location we will send it.
Cast Up to 20% More Distance!
The Breakaway cannon is a casting aid for fishos who use a spinning reel. With this outfit, you can really get a long cast. It is super for surf fishing and off the rocks! Get the maximum distance you can get!
Just tape and/or ziptie the casting button on your fishing rod directly above the spool of your reel. You can lock the line in place by wrapping your mainline around the casting trigger nub 2 or 3 turns. Pull the casting trigger with your finger to hold pressure and open your bale. Let go of the trigger to cast and see the extra distance come off your spool.
COMBO KIT HAS 10 DISTANCE CASTING BITS! 5 Bait Shields and 5 Weight Clips!
Have you come up short on a cast and wanted just a little more distance? Bust ups don't always come closer. Cast farther with your casting trigger. Not only can you cast further but you can also put an end to cut and blistered fingers with a casting trigger!
Casting can be greatly increased using a casting trigger instead of your finger. No more sore or cut fingertips from casting braid or heavy sinkers. Surf casting and other land based fishing casting distances can be made longer and easier. Casting Paternoster rigs with a bait clip will bring even more distance and less headaches.
What are the benefits of a casting trigger?
- Cast further
- Cast without cutting or blistering your fingers
- Cast more accurately
- Catch more fish
- Longer session fishing with less fatigue
Don't cut and blister your fingers! Line is held in place with the Casting Trigger so that your finger does not come into contact with fishing line. Line doesn't slip past cutting your finger joints! As a result fingertips are protected from abrasive braids and monofilament. Cold weather also is a treat when you don't pluck line across your freezing fingertips!
Better casting allows you to cast further in bad weather conditions which is perfect for surf or rock fishing. Casting a little farther can make a big difference. The casting trigger will make a huge difference. Works on most rods and best suited for big surf rods if you want the full power from them.
- Wrap line around capstan 1 to 4 times depending on your weight
- Press the trigger to hold line securely
- Open bail on your spinning reel
- Let go of the trigger on your cast
The breakaway canon is simple to secure to your rod. Tape or zip ties work and they are simple. Tape your Casting Trigger on your rod with sparky tape. Put it underneath the rod, on the side, or as some like to do, on top! Line it up with your spool. Once taped in place ziptie it.
Put it underneath the rod, on the side, or as some like to do, on top!
Place three wraps of line around the capstan and close the trigger. More accurate and longer casting made easy. Avoids holding the line with your finger so you don't get blisters or cut holding the line.
Practice a few times to get a feel for timing. Gradually work your way out as you get used to the casting trigger. Make sure to open your bail arm when you make your big cast!
There are other casting aids like the bait clip that really helps too! Bait clips hold your bait in line with the weight for a streamlined cast. Bait clips also help protect bait when they hit the water. Lose fewer pilchards and other bait when you're surf fishing.